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why musical theatre?

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

musical theatre, commonly known as "musical" is the "supreme art" as it's being called in the central streets of London but also elsewhere. It is a spectacular show that combines three arts:

  • theatre

  • music

  • dance

It is famous abroad and for it's now becoming increasingly famous in Cyprus. At our school we want to offer a complete and high level programme worthy of other programmes offered in other European countries. Through our programme we want to give the tools to the youth and adults of Cyprus to reach to the highest level.

Musical has been in our lives for years. People of the 60s and 70s remember the glorious "Grease", "Purple Rain", "Cry baby", "The White Christmas", "Oliver", "The Muppets" and so many more musicals.

The songs and dance moves of those shows are still known to the 8-year-olds today. They know them, they just don't know what they are.

Musical theatre, beyond the knowledge of the three arts, develops, through the familiarisation and analysis of different plays, the character and various skills such as:

1. encouraging the cooperation and teamwork that are the main values of musical theatre.

2. main benefit is the entertainment of children through music, theatre and dance. Children feel happy in a healthy way.

3. developing the concentration and focus and generates strong feelings through music and the mental and physical movement that defines musical.

4. aiding the socialisation of people, since they learn to express their mind through words and body movement. These result to comfortable communication with people as they are trained to be a live spectacle.

5. enhancing the τη creativity of children, encouraging them to have their own opinion and actively participate in directing of each performance they work on.

6. teaching discipline since they must follow specific rules.

7. teaching respect for the place, the costumes, the musical instruments, the microphones but most importantly for the other team members and people in general.

8. strengthening empathy by undertaking different roles. This is achieved by enabling a student to actively get in the shoes of a different person, so that they can understand and think about important matters of that era. The strengthened empathy enable students to have a well rounded, critical opinion.

9. hard working and everything they experience during rehearsals and performances, teaches them about the failures and successes in life, reminding them that one must always move forward, never backwards.

10. encouraging people to reach for the best possible outcome through many rehearsals and hard work.

11. sharpening concentration as it combines many aspects of themselves and improves coordination of both children and adults.

why take personal lessons of musical theatre?

As in every course taught at our school one has the choice of personal lessons over group lessons. Usually, personal lessons are chosen by people that decide that they want to professionally pursue Musical Theatre or one of the three arts that it make up.

However, it can also be chosen by adults who are just now entering the world of musical theatre and need personal preparation to enter the team, or for any other personal reasons.

Personal lessons can be tailored for preparing a student for Drama or Musical Theatre Schools.


Our school offers group lessons for Musical Theatre in Greek and English for the following age groups:

ages 4 – 6

ages 6 – 9

ages 9 – 12

ages 12 – 15

ages 15 – 18

ages 18 – 27

ages 27+.


Musical Theatre can be optionally examined at personal or group level from the Trinity College London and the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – ABRSM (singing for musical theatre).

Through the exams, children and adults can earn UCAS points that can be used when one applies to a university in the United Kingdom, either as an undergrad or a postgrad.

You can find more information in the following pages:

To find out more about group availability or to arrange personal lessons or schedule an appointment with members of our team, please contact us in the following ways:

  • call 70072525

  • send us a message on Facebook page/ messenger

  • send us a message on our Instagram profile

  • contact form available on our webpage

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