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why preschool theatre?

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

Kids come in contact with theatre from a very young age, without them knowing. The marriage of the princess and the prince, the conversation of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, the steps taken by the puss in boots, the motion of the swords of the three musketeers, are theatre. Through this course, the kids partake in role games, mainly through improvisation. This gives them the chance to express theirselves in a theatrical manner and to develop their social skills and of course their confidence!

First of all, what is "preschool theatre"? Many people are curious about this. Preschool theatre does not aim to teach theatre to the kids, nor to make them actors, nor to teach them how to read scrips and theatrical play. It is not a test of whether kids memorised their lines or how well they remember them.

Preschool theatre is more about how the kids say their line, how they express themselves. It utilises theatre to allow the kids to express and move around freely. The teacher is not the director during the lesson. The teacher is more of a teammate with a mission to inspire the kids and give them the correct stimuli for the play to develop.

The reasons that make preschool theatre the ideal activity for kids are:

  1. Instant happiness that occurs due to the game-like-nature of the lesson.

  2. Physical and mental relief.

  3. The ability to make things imagined come true while learning where fantasy stops and reality starts.

  4. The chance to share ideas in a group of different people.

  5. Learning to earn their position in the team while respecting others.

  6. Enhancement of self-expression by "exposing" themselves in front of their teammates, in a safe safe.

  7. The ability to to discover many aspects of life and of their own selves.

  8. Gaining knowledge effortlessly without memorizing things, but learning through their own senses.

  9. The matters discussed are not fixed, they emerge through the kids, their experience, social and fictional events.

  10. Introduction to folk traditions and fairytales through games.

The classes are "informal lessons", where a tale is read. Then, storytelling is paired with music, games are developed around the story, the story is turned into a mini theatrical performance, the different roles are discussed and kids create arts and crafts based on the story.


Our school has different groups for preschool theatres with lessons being taught in Greek and in English. The age groups are:

  • 2 - 4 year olds.

  • 4 - 6 year olds.

Why private preschool theatre lessons?

There are kids that need some time before being able to trust a new team.

It is understood that most of the times, parents want their kids to socialise and learn how to be part of a team, but no kid should be pressured into doing something that is not comfortable with.

If this is the case, it is better for the kid to start private lessons of preschool music, so that she/he can first trust the teacher before proceeding to join a group.

In any case, this option is discussed between parents and teachers after assessing the situation.

To check availability and to organise a meeting with members of our team, please contact us by:

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