The piano. The key music instrument also known as the king of music instruments.
It's not by chance that the piano is named as the most popular instrument as hundreds of kids and adults are learning how to play piano at this very moment.
It is often chosen as the first instrument for someone to be introduced into the world of music, since it gives the basis for development to any other music instrument.
By playing piano:
your concentration is enhanced As a pianist you must read notes found on two different staffs (pentagrams), each with its own clef. At the same time you must translate the notes into melody by using both your hands. As a result your visual perception, ability to read and manual dexterity are enhanced. Then, you must use your feet to make your music more interesting. All these happen while you must think about the rhythm and the melody.
you learn to accept criticism better The way to learn something new is through constructive criticism and constant feedback that aim towards the improvement of the current situation. By having piano lessons, you do not only learn to accept criticism but also how to use it in order to self-improve, an element that is necessary for life. Common positive impact of all musical instruments.
you face success and failure Learning to play the piano includes many successes and many failures, big or small. Mistakes can happen during a lesson, while studying at home or on stage. Therefore, as a pianist you must know how to face mistakes successfully. By learning how to to overcome piano failures and how to enjoy piano successes without loosing control, you learn how to do the same for successes and failures encountered in your everyday life.
you plan and manage time Learning to play the piano is not an easy thing to do. Many hours need to be dedicated to practice. For this to be possible, you need to learn to effectively manage time, especially during periods where group or individual rehearsals are needed. As a piano student, you also learn how to use your time in order to achieve your individual goals and become better at your performing art. And you can apply these anywhere! From homework to work.
you gain confidence Every small success, every finished piece and also the strength to play your favourite songs for an audience, boost your confidence. Every time you surpass your limits and get out of your comfort zone to playing your favourite instrument for friends or complete strangers, you acknowledge your skills better and become more confident about yourself.
acquiring patience and perseverance With the help of your teachers, you won't give up once you encounter the first difficulty. In contrast, you learn ways to overcome such difficulties, you learn discipline and with patience and perseverance you proceed towards your goal. Often, to complete a piece or to learn a difficult part you need to have the discipline and also the will to achieve it.
your stress is reduced The piano is a healthy way out from every-day stress. By playing the piano, you transform it into a mean of expressing happiness, sadness, frustration, etc.. As a result you end up feeling better and calmer. It acts as an anxiolytic drug!
you stimulate your brain According to scientific research, by playing the piano you create new connections between your neurons, aiding the healthy development of the human brain. This is how coordination and memory are improved. People with learning difficulties can benefit from this.
your arms get stronger The fact that you continuously use your arms and hands all the time leads to stronger finger and wrists and also more flexible fingers. These are results of the fast movements that you as a pianist are required to perform and also the stretching of the fingers to play things like an octave. Once you reach a good level in piano you will most likely be able to do whatever you think with your fingers.
you acquire "professional hearing" If you go through the procedure of learning to play the piano, music is no longer simple sounds. You will be able to deeply understand the melody of a song and appreciate better the meaning of music. As a pianist, you will be able to better understand the melody of a song and have better understanding of rhythm and tone, allowing you to be immersed in the universe created by music.

Piano lessons can prepare you for examinations.
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